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Stock comp is dynamic, your planning should be too.

We work with professionals with complexities in life - stock compensation, multigenerational planning, or looking to streamline finances.

Together, we create an actionable financial future based on where you are now and where you want to be

It starts with a guide and ends with a thinking partner.

Laying the Financial Foundation

Getting our financial ducks in a row

Creating Financial Flexibility for Opportunities

Thinking about how life is changing in the next 5 years

Knowing What it Takes for Financial Independence

Ready for this to be your last job and making sure you are ready for this final sprint

The SeedSafe Process

Your life is dynamic, your planning should be too.

We are each on our own journey with money and financial planning should be flexible to meet your needs.

The SeedSafe Process recognizes this by starting with an Intensive that dives deep into all things you over a short period of time, and then transitions to ongoing annual care to implement recommendations and walk the financial path with you as life changes.

Initial Deep Dive

Get organized with where your money is, how taxes look, and what risk protection you’ve implemented.  Then, delve into the world of where you want to be and what your biggest questions are.

Financial Life Design

What is your most fulfilled life?  We will envision what financial success looks like for you over the next few years and discuss trade-offs, concerns and big decisions around stock, taxes and spending.

Action Plan

Once we decide where we’re going, we’ll meet to discuss how to get there. This is where investment decisions are made and priorities are set for what we want to work on over the next year.

Pricing Estimate

“Because life isn’t static…”

Ongoing Care

We are your advocate – helping you make decisions based on who you are now and who you’ll be. We help you balance adventure, financial goals, charitable giving and family life. This is care for all aspects of your financial and foundational life.

  • Collaborate on a spending plan

  • Streamline savings and distributions

  • Determine trade-offs in long term success

  • Understand taxes on stock compensation, tax deferral strategies and rentals

  • Implement tax-efficient investment strategy

  • Tax planning and charitable giving strategy

  • Estate planning recommendations

  • College Planning

  • Provide for long term passive income, tax reduction strategies, and Roth conversions in retirement

  • Engage in gifting strategies for legacy planning

Investment Management

Our investment management philosophy is based on a simple premise that:

A long-term focus is most likely to bring you lasting success. Keeping your goals and values in mind allows you to further build wealth over time.

Asset allocation is the single most important factor to determine your long-term success. Your best option is to take market gains and allow your investments to compound over many years.

Managing the risks you take is our most important job. We strive to reduce risk and maximize value through our investment philosophy.
Managing your emotions is your most important job. Many behavioral biases come up in the rollercoaster of investing and being aware of them is important.
Patience pays – time reduces risk.

Our standard advisory fees are: 0.5% on the first $2 million, then 0.25% on additional investments.


Most Ongoing Care clients choose to also use us for tax return preparation. 

We really love to do the planning and we understand how critical the implementation can be. So putting it all together allows us to further streamline when to start or stop a strategy, when to make IRA contributions or Roth conversion, and how to be prepared for tax time with your stock compensation.

Fee:  $575+.  *Depends on complexity of return: rental real estate, business income, multi-states, etc will add to cost

What to Expect From Us

Our goal is to provide you with the best tax, investment, and life planning services possible.

You can expect us to meet with you multiple times a year. Outside of meetings, you can expect for us to be nerding out in the background on your finances, on how we can provide you with better streamlined finances, and reaching out to you with updates as taxes, the market, and your company stock changes.

You can also expect us to be here when you need us. Life stuff happens and that is when an advisor in your corner means the most!

We only work with clients that we truly love and are excited to help on this journey.

What We Expect From You

Our work together is a partnership. We ask that you are willing to be an active participant in the process and be open in sharing your thoughts and concerns.

If something isn’t hitting right, bring it up and be open. No question or concern is too small.

When we email you, send us an update or let us know when you will have time to look into it. You want our advice to be timely and so we may need data and documents timely as well.

We conduct all of our meetings via video chat. Outside of meetings, we communicate by email.

Feel like you haven't found your answer?

We have collected the most frequently asked questions for you.